Amazon Valentine

Monday, 18 February 2013

21 today.....Happy Birthday my precious girl

Today, my child will have cake! A large slab of a fabulous, gooey, chocolate cake made by my clever sister in law Kathryn. It will be full of calories, totally fattening and simply gorgeous. I will still feel extremely guilty letting Jade have the cake she is 21 years of age. A wonderful age. An age that should have no limitations placed upon it. An age to enjoy and make merry with Champagne and glorious, squidgy,chocolatey cake.

Today I do not care (probably not true lol )that she will put on weight by eating the cake, I am fully aware that I am committing a huge sin by allowing Jade a slab of cake but I am also aware, as are most PWS parents, that the 'feel good factor' in allowing a naughty treat occasionally, far outweighs anything else and I think a 21st Birthday comes under that particular heading. 

Jades sister Lucy and her boyfriend Gareth have taken Jade to the zoo today. It is one of her favourite places in the whole world. I have to say Colchester Zoo is pretty amazing. They are extremely good with kids that have special needs, patient and kind. Full 'Mum' marks to them!
As you can see Jade had a ball!

To finish off an amazing day for Jade, a visit to her Aunties and Uncles where she was presented with more cake (Aaaarrrrghhhhhh!!!) and family, gathered together to celebrate  the birthday of a very special girl.

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